Tuesday, January 12, 2010

PROGRAMMING: Skills to adjust BatchXSLT for InDesign?

Skills needed to be able to adjust the output of BatchXSLT for InDesign:

You don't have any programming skills? EASY! This does not seem to be your job, you have to do more important things like almost all others on this world!
No problem: ask your web guy or ask me!

IF you are a programmer or you are a member of the web team:
Depending on what you want to adjust you need programming skills in different areas.

This is a list in ascending order of level of difficulty:

To adjust the look and feel of the generated HTML web site:
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

To adjust the behavior of the generated HTML web site:
- Javascript

To modify the output data:
- XSLT (XML transformation)

And, if you want to add core functions:
- Java
- Software Packaging (plist)

Well - again: ask me if you have any concern or troubles!

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