Monday, January 11, 2010

HINT: HTML with embedded inline styles only

In almost all cases when exporting documents to HTML, an external and linked Cascading Style Sheete ( CSS ) is required to be able to adjust fonts and formatting for web display. This is done automatically by BatchXSLT for InDesign as default behavior.

In very rare cases however, one might look for HTML which is formatted with inline styles only - no class names - no external CSS.

We have heard, that there are some PDF generators out there which need such inline styles to generate a PDF for example of an article.

How to achieve this?
Before starting the export from InDesign all styles must be removed from the document. This easily can be done from the character and paragraph styles palette. Select all styles, click "Trash" and check the box to 'preserve formatting' when asked.
BatchXSLT for InDesign now generates the desired output using inline styles only.

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